have a quick wit

英 美
  • 有急智;机敏
  • a art.一(个);每一(个);任一(个)n.英语字母表的第一个字母;学业成绩得优者;表示“最好”的符号
  • have aux.已经vt.有;吃;得到;从事;允许;雇用;享有n.[常用复数]富人,有产者,有钱人;富国
  • quick adj.迅速的;快的;机敏的adv.迅速地;快
  • wit n.智力;才智;机智;风趣v.知道;即
    1. He has the quick wit and comic timing to match Hermione in her verbal aggressiveness, to tease her, to play Benedict to her Beatrice.
    2. Dr. Daniel was a gleg man of a jocose nature.
    3. Use your quick wit to win points and friends.